Septic System Design
The Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska requires septic systems be designed by a licensed engineer that has completed the education requirements of AMC 4.40.150. You can download a current list of approved engineers here.
Contractors and excavators that install the septic systems must also be certifed by the municipality, and the current list is here.
In order to design a septic system, the municipality requires test hole information stamped by a licensed engineer. The test hole must be dug 6′ deeper than the bottom of absportion trench, and it needs to be in the general area of the trench. Typically, two perk tests are done in the area to calculate the required size of the trench.
With an approved design (usually within 2-3 weeks), the contractor can install the system. This typically takes a day or two. The municipality requires 3 inspections by the engineer, and the municipal inspector must be notified in order to have the opportunity to inspect. When the installation is complete, the engineer must submit stamped as-built reports and records to the On-site desk.
After completion, the municipality requires an as-built be done by a licensed surveyor. This completes the records, and ensures the separation distances are met. We prefer to have the surveyor involved early, as it is very helpful to have a survey done before design work. The surveyor can then add in the completed septic system when it is done.
Forge Engineering works closely with various contractors and surveyors in Anchorage, Alaska and are happy to provide some recommendations for your project.